diploma in civil engineering diploma in mechanical engineering diploma in automobile engineering diploma in electrical and electronics engineering diploma in electronica and communication engineering diploma in computer engineering
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Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Vision of Mechanical Department:

The department offers the latest technology in Mechanical Engineering and prepares the students to take up a career as Mechanical Professional in the field of Design, Sales, Service, Production, Maintenance, Quality Control etc.

Course Contents:

In the second year the students are trained in Mechanics of Materials, Manufacturing Process, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power, Machine Drawing, CAD, Applied Thermodynamics, Machine Shop Technology, Electrical & Electronics Engineering

In the third year, the students are trained Design of Machine Elements, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Industrial Engineering & Management, CAD/CAM and Automobile Technology.

Department Library:

The department has a dedicated department library with 300 + books covering a wide range of latest subjects.


The department of Mechanical Engineering os equipped with Thermodynamics Lab, Special Mechanics Lab, Lathe Workshop, R & A/c Lab, Foundry, Welding & smithy Workshop and CAD/CAM Lab, CNC Lathe. In CAD/CAM Lab all the computers are networked via Ethernet.

thermodynamics lab

lathe shop

special machine shop

cnc machine

machine cad lab

smithy lab

foundry shop

welding shop

lathe shop

special machine shop

refrigeration and air conditioning lab

automobile lab