Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Vision of Mechanical Department:
The department offers the latest technology in Mechanical Engineering and prepares the students to take up a career as Mechanical Professional in the field of Design, Sales, Service, Production, Maintenance, Quality Control etc.
Course Contents:
In the second year the students are trained in Mechanics of Materials, Manufacturing Process, Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power, Machine Drawing, CAD, Applied Thermodynamics, Machine Shop Technology, Electrical & Electronics Engineering
In the third year, the students are trained Design of Machine Elements, Thermal Engineering, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Industrial Engineering & Management, CAD/CAM and Automobile Technology.
Department Library:
The department has a dedicated department library with 300 + books covering a wide range of latest subjects.
The department of Mechanical Engineering os equipped with Thermodynamics Lab, Special Mechanics Lab, Lathe Workshop, R & A/c Lab, Foundry, Welding & smithy Workshop and CAD/CAM Lab, CNC Lathe. In CAD/CAM Lab all the computers are networked via Ethernet.